Happy Birthday, Little Bear!

jan08A year ago today, I was 9 months pregnant, worried, and ready to meet my baby boy.  Due to a difficult pregnancy and ever-increasing pain as the baby dropped and pushed on a nerve in my hurt back, we went to the hospital and Little Bear was born five hours later.  From the first, we knew that he was a tough little guy and a fighter.  I nicknamed him Little Bear in the hospital, and blogged about it soon after.  Here’s that post, and his first baby picture.  I can’t believe he was ever so small. 

And now, my baby is one year old.  He’s cruising and waving and clapping and playing purposefully, and just generally charming us all.  We celebrated his birthday today with songs, gifts, and a special day of just being together as a family.  He got perfect presents:  blocks, balls, books, the littlest bowling set ever (apparently I shopped in the “b” section at Target), and matchbox cars to share with big brother.  We’ll have cake when the grandparents come over to celebrate later this week (assuming I can beg, borrow, or steal a recipe for a wheat-free, dairy-free, soy-free cake).  door3

But today, we are grateful for Little Bear’s safe arrival and all the joy that he has brought to our house this year.  We are eagerly anticipating all the changes that are just around the corner, and I have yet another reason to look forward to next week’s surgery: 

– Because I want to be here for my baby.  For his second birthday, his third, and his twenty-third.


21 Responses to Happy Birthday, Little Bear!

  1. Christy says:

    Happy Birthday Little Bear!!

  2. Jonathan Trenn says:

    A very Happy Birthday to Little Bear and more frozen peas for all.

  3. canape says:

    Happy happy birthday, my little chunk of baby love!

  4. deb says:

    I went and looked at his baby picture. What a beautiful little baby. He’s such a cutie. I’m hoping you live to a very old lady with lots of wrinkles and grey hair. What could be better?

  5. Damselfly says:

    Aw, happy birthday!

  6. SuzyQatHome says:

    Happy Birthday Little Bear!

    We’re gluten, dairy (incl eggs), and soy free also unfortunately. I’ve been using coconut flour (expensive, but worth every penny for special occasions). A lot of the recipes I’ve seen for the coconut flour are also milk and soy free and some are egg free also (Thank God!). If you try it, just don’t expect textures to be exactly cake-like especially on your 1st try. I have some vv modified recipes, but we’re sugar free also so I haven’t exactly followed any of the recipes online. 🙂

  7. mumof4 says:

    our sons share a birthday!! my little one turned 2 today..he was born on a friday 13th in 2006

  8. Robin says:

    Happy birthday little guy!

  9. Jacquie says:

    Well Happy Birthday Little Bear! Love his baby picture, how cute is he!

  10. NYfriend says:

    Happy Birth-day Mama and Happy Birthday Little Bear!

    I may be able to find you a cake recipe that fits the bill…between us, my sister and my brother’s ex, we’ve have the same set of restrictions at one time or another.

  11. Heather! says:

    Happy birthday, little man! You are indeed one ferociously cute little bear!

  12. Monica says:

    My how you’ve grown, LB. Happy Birthday! Can you believe it’s already here?

  13. Kimberly says:

    Happy Birthday Sweet Bear!!

  14. Happy Birthday little guy!

  15. Karen says:

    Happy Birthday! Recipes.com, you can modify as needed (as we did) for a soy-free, dairy-free, egg-free, wheat-free birthday cake. Frosting too!

  16. Happy Birthday Little Bear, and Happy Birth-day to you WM!

  17. Happy birthday, Whymommy, and to you, Little Bear… I always wish the mothers a “happy birthday”, because it is as much a celebration of motherhood as it is of the child’s life!

    And what a year it has been… You have come so far, so fast! I’m proud to “know” both of you!

    As for the cake… There is a wonderful blogger out there: Beck, from “Frog and Toad are Still Friends”, who has a child with allergies, and she posts fantastic recipes. I wonder if she might be able to help you? I’ll bet she’d be thrilled to hear from you…


    Have a wonderful day!!

    xo CGF

  18. ~JJ! says:

    Happy Happy Birthday little bear!

  19. Stimey says:

    Happy Birthday to the little dude! Give him a hug for me!

  20. Nancy says:

    Happy Birthday to your little guy!

  21. Ally says:

    Little Bear is just adorable. Happy Birthday, wee one!