
Pneumonia. Again. Still. Unable to stop the coughing, I asked the chemo nurse this week who I should see for it – my primary care doctor, who tends to overreact and send me to the ER for lung trouble, or my oncologist, who is primarily concerned with the cancer, not other worries. She responded that I did the right thing already, as she didn’t want to give me chemo if I was already sick.

The nurse popped back in a little while later, letting me know that my doctor had ordered a chest x-ray, which we could do at the hospital before we left that day (after chemo, which we could have).

My oncologist called last night with the verdict: pneumonia. My lungs still have gunk in them and I have to lay low for a little while, taking more antibiotics, using the inhaler and such to
recover. What a lovely addition to chemo this week.

I’m very tired. Slept til 1 pm yesterday, but today I was awake a little longer, if not any more productive. Just tired. and drenched from the return of the hot flashes, which reappeared when I restarted chemo this Fall.

72 Responses to Pneumonia.

  1. Oh please let those antibiotics work, and FAST! Thinking of you, always.

  2. Rachelpappas says:

    Susan, thanks for keeping the people who have become so drawn to you posted. Now just get better, already!Hope these docs find the right balance of meds and backing off from too-intense intervention so they can prolong your life in comfort. Enjoy your “boys” – all three of them! Rachel

  3. Stella says:

    Praying the gunk in your lungs takes it’s leave and your energy returns. Just. Praying.

  4. Devra says:

    Dude! What did I tell ya about that kennel cough?! Glad you’re getting fixed up. Get better soon, I am planning on crossing the moat next week to see ya!

  5. Brandie says:

    I’m thinking of you and hoping this pneumonia passes quickly. ((hugs))

  6. cynthiagy says:

    Lifting you up, Susan ~ praying for healing for your lungs, added energy, and non-eventful chemo this time. Stay strong and let yourself feel the rest, not stress over what you aren’t getting done. God bless you!

  7. Beckye says:

    Oh, Susan. Praying for you. Do take it slowly with pneumonia. One can relapse so easily if you don’t take time to get over it completely. Rest, rest, rest. Praying for peace and healing.

  8. Heather says:

    You’re in my prayers. My husband is recovering from pcp pneumonia he got because the chemo knocked out his igg. It was awful, he was intubated and. Der a cooling blanket in the ICU. I pray for quick healing and wisdom for your doctors to best treat you. Sending love and hugs your way

  9. Catherine says:

    Oh, no. So sorry to hear this, Susan. I’m glad you managed to avoid the ER, at least. Wishing you restorative rest and clear lungs asap.

  10. loran says:

    I spent the afternoon wondering how you are, as I shoveled laundry from washer to dryer. And here you are with a post! I am glad you are advocating for you and getting good care for your lungs. I send you healing prayers. My 8 yr old wants you to feel better soon too, and she likes your Lego Princess. 🙂 Thank you for taking the time to let us cyber friends know how you are doing. You are cared for by many. Gentle hugs to you. xo

  11. Joannie says:

    I need to cook up a big batch of gunk-be-gone and pour it into your lungs and kick the ass of this pneumonia. Be patient with getting it resolved, it takes ages (I know) but it will eventually drag it’s sorry butt out of your lungs. Until then, lean on all of us out here who watch over you and care about you EVERY DAY!

  12. So sorry it’s yet another thing heaped upon you. Sending wishes for a speedy recovery.

  13. javamom2J.J. says:

    Don’t you wish you could just hook up a vacuum cleaner or something and suck that gunk out yourself? Praying that the antibiotics quickly do their work and you feel bouncy again soon. I know it is hard to give in to the rest, but that is truly the best way to heal from pneumonia. And Pho. I’m a big believer in lots and lots of Pho for anything respiratory-related if you can stand it right now. Forget Dr. Overreactive PCP and Dr. Oncologist, that’s what Dr. J.J. prescribes. ; ) Pho, rest, and lots of hugs!

  14. Rachael says:

    Sorry to hear this, I hope you feel better soon.

  15. neeroc says:

    I’m sorry that gunk won’t just clear out. Hopefully the meds will kick in soon.

  16. Oh, Susan! That sucks! I really hope the antibiotics kick in very soon and you are feeling much better. Much love to you and yours, we are thinking of you every day.

  17. Susan says:

    Here’s hoping for quick action from the antibiotics, wisdom for all your medical team, and healing and good rest for you.

  18. Eileen says:

    So sorry to hear about the diagnosis. You are in my prayers – Eileen

  19. Niksmom says:

    Sending prayers and good thoughts for rapid busting up that pneumonia!

  20. *m* says:

    Ick! Hope you de-gunk and feel better quickly. Thinking of you daily.

  21. Donna W says:

    Thanks for all the times you check in with your readers when I KNOW you don’t feel like doing it. We care.

  22. Colleen says:

    Hello, Susan. I started reading your blog when it was suggested by my friend, Heather. Since then, I pray for you, am uplifted by your faith that there is a place of respite in spite of all the trials, and learn from you! It is helpful to hear the thoughts that you think as you toil through this swamp you never expected in your life-journey. I am blessed to “know” you and to be assured that we will meet one day–if not here, then at the gate. Until such time as we meet face-to-face, I hope you can find some tiny amount of comfort in knowing that your work continues–in ways you never planned or wanted–to bless. I know you have joyful moments even in your most pain-filled days; I thank God for those moments and pray that the difficult times will not overwhelm you. Hugs, Colleen

  23. princessdianasgifts says:

    Hope you feel better soon, Susan. You were on my mind so much yesterday – thinking of you and your friends who had posted about their time at ICE, which I went to visit yesterday.

    Looking forward to hearing that you are feeling better.

    – Lynn (via my new alter ego account!)

  24. Dorothy Doyle says:

    Praying that your pneumonia will be over with soon and that your energy will be restored leading to more special times with your dear boys.

  25. Hi Susan,

    I had pneumonia the entire month of November and felt like I’d been run over with a truck. I can’t imagine having it while getting chemo.

    Please get lots of rest. There are lots of us out here who care about you and are praying for you to get better. You are an inspiration!


  26. Beth says:

    I’ve been following your blog for years but I comment rarely. I remember long ago I commented when you were first diagnosed and you went to my now defunct blog read it and then offered ME support.
    Your kindness was astounding and much appreciated.
    Anyway, I hope the pneumonia clears away soon. Much love.

  27. Hey Susan, I was sitting here feeling sorry for myself because I can’t get to CES because I have to work. Then I head over here & get slammed in the head with the reality hammer, that you’d probably give anything to be able to get dressed and head out to your job.

    I am so sorry you’re struggling so & hope you can fight off this latest assault on your body quickly! Thank you for once again reminding me about what is really important in this life!

  28. Thinking about you and hoping you’re feeling better. There’s some nasty stuff going around…

  29. Amy {aka Gift of Green} says:

    Hi Susan,

    Don’t know if it’s what Javamom meant, but Pho is a yummy bowl of soup. I think it’s the Vietnamese equal to my grandmother’s Jewish chicken soup. If you have the appetite, order up a delivery, stat! 🙂

  30. Linda Lawrence says:

    You are certainly in our thoughts and prayers.

  31. Betty Wilson says:

    Rest! May the many thoughts and prayers comfort you and really allow you to rest.

  32. Ellie Rancont says:

    Many thoughts and prayers to you from NE Pennsylvania! Lots of rest!

  33. kami says:

    Try hot tea with half a lemon squeezed and honey added, it works! I get bronchitis every year and this helps a ton. The lemon is also full of vitamin C! Get better soon, I’am praying as always..hugs!

  34. Amanda says:

    As always, so generous. Thank you for updating us. Hoping the gunk leaves and comfort returns.

  35. Sorry to hear about the pneumonia. Get as much rest as you can. Sending ‘go away’ thoughts at all the gunk in your chest.

  36. Ami says:

    I have been reading here for a while but have not introduced myself and posted before. I pray daily for continued strength for you.

  37. Rest, my dear, as best you can. Prayers for you and yours, as always… thinking of you. xoxo CGF

  38. Rachel Wickman says:

    Aw crap. Was hoping your pneumonia days were behind you… 😦
    Rest rest REST! I think of you often…

  39. Rachelpappas says:

    Sorry for your troubles Susan. Treat the pneumonia with kid gloves, and well, at least you get a break from chemo. The things we have to see for good news since “c”! But if anyone can see light in the dark tunnel, it’s you! Would you believe I was so happy I could almost cry when I heard I had stage 2B breast cancer? Yeah, after hearing days earlier from breast surgeon “I’m hoping for stage 3.” Hang in there girlie! Feel better.

  40. melissa says:

    Praying for you. With hope that will be a relief soon!

  41. magpiemusing says:

    Hope you feel better today! Love to you, Susan.

  42. Thinking of you and yours – hope you feel better soon!

  43. I’m sorry to hear about this latest “round” you must endure. Sending encouraging thoughts and prayers your way.

  44. Diane says:

    Hoping that you are feeling better each day. Thinking of you everyday.

  45. Susan,

    This constant onslaught is just overwhelming. I keep thinking about you and saying to myself, “C’Mon, just give her a break!” Please. Sending you warm thoughts and virtual hugs. – Gayle

  46. Thinking of you and sending up prayers.

  47. Cindy says:

    I have been reading your blog for months and have told all my friends about it…I only read a few blogs and this is one of them and I have been praying for you every day. Just thought you should know. Your work in your field and on this blog are an incredible inspiration. Thank you for finding the courage and energy to be the amazing mommy, scientist, and writer that you are. Please rest. I look forward to all the new entries and following your work, but please rest. We will wait.
    Much love and many prayers to you,
    Faithful Reader

  48. victoria says:

    I hope you’re recovering from the pneumonia and feeling much better!

  49. Aunt Pat says:

    Thinking of you ! Hope you’re feeling better real soon.
    Love You and praying for you .

  50. Rachelpappas says:

    Hi sweet Susan,

    How’s the coughing today? Are your three boys (Big boy and 2 lil ones) keeping you entertained through this very hard time for you and them? I hope so. And I hope the ladies who come together here at your site are bringing you smiles, too. Have a good day. No troubles if you’re too tired or busy to respond. We know you read these ….


  51. Elaine says:

    Hope you’ve found some space to rest and recuperate from this latest onslaught to your body.

  52. Karen says:

    Thinking of you Susan. I hope the cough has improved and you’re feeling stronger these days.

  53. Diane Krapf says:

    Hi Susan
    I think of you everyday and wonder how you are doing each day.
    I was wondering…were u not under 40 having your mammo initially that showed IBC?
    Was there breast cancer history in your family? I am journaling any facts I can for my son, my nieces and nephews and would so appreciate your personal info with discovering MBC. Thanks, Diane

  54. Cin.k says:

    Continual prayer for strength and rest are raised in your name. You touch lives in profound ways each time you share.

  55. Hi Susan.

    Just wanted to let you know I was thinking about you. I hope that by now the cough is easing up. xx

  56. NOR says:

    Take a deep breath and relax. Wait…don’t do that. (small very bad joke…)

  57. pgoodness says:

    GAH. I hope that you’re recovering quickly from the pneumonia and are getting some rest so you can kick some ass again. xo

  58. Lorna says:

    I’ve been thinking about you a lot, Susan. There is some new facebook status thing going on for breastcancer awareness. It doesn’t increase awareness, nor does it help. I kicked the asses of the people who sent the messages, telling people to take part and told them about a friend of mine, who sadly passed away before Christmas:
    Hopefully they’ll support her husband’s fundraising efforts, her legacy, rather than unthinkingly writing some dumb status update.

    I hope you’re doing ok. I don’t pray but I am sending positive thoughts to you and your family and friends, all the way from Europe.

  59. Bon says:

    i totally missed this, Susan, and just wanted to send you love and healing and a check-in from the great white North. hope you’re holding up and you’re getting lots of gentle care & entertainment from your boys.

  60. Deb says:

    You were part of the reason I went into oncology nursing and I thank you for that. Every day at work I try to make the lives of my patients just a little better. You inspire me.

  61. jodifur says:

    Yuck!!!!!!This has been an awful pneumonia year, I know so many people who have had it!

  62. Cheney says:

    I hope you feel better soon, Susan! My mom had pneumonia recently, and seems terrible! Get better, good thoughts coming your way!