
On March 26, 2010, I was diagnosed with a locoregional recurrence of breast cancer.  After a nerve attack at LPSC, where my body shook uncontrollably for days, I had a PET scan to rule out several causes, and the PET scan showed something we never expected:  trouble in the lymph nodes.  The nodes were biopsied, and the diagnosis was cancer.  Again.  As I geared up for a second fight, I raged at the universe and asked God why, why must I go through this again, just when everything was going so well?  I secluded myself for a week with my family as we researched our options and spent time with our children, and then came out ready to fight — and to make sure that some good came out of all this nastiness that we call cancer.

As my friends asked “What can I do?” I had one request.  Research.  Research is needed to save my life and the lives of millions of other people around the globe, right now, and in the coming years.  One out of every three of us will get cancer, says the American Cancer Society, and right now there is no cure.  But there can be.  All we need is research.

Dr. Susan Love, who wrote The Breast Book, has teamed up with Avon to create the Army of Women, one million strong who have volunteered to receive emails about potential research studies that they may qualify for in their hometown or online, and to participate in studies to determine not only the cure for cancer, but the cause.  The partnership has signed up over 325,000 women to date, as well as men with breast cancer or a close relative with breast cancer.  Women and men all over the world are encouraged to participate, and no one is ever forced to participate in a study; it’s entirely at your own discretion.  But if you do participate — you are actively working toward a cure for cancer.

It’s a cure that I need, and that many of our loved ones will need in the coming years.  Won’t you join the Army of Women today, and help researchers around the world recruit healthy women as well as breast cancer survivors and relatives for the studies that so desperately need to be conducted?

I’ve signed up.  I’ve already participated in a study online and a study through my cancer center.  If you’ve signed up too, add your name in the comments below — and know that you’ve got all my gratitude, for the study you participate in could be the one that saves my life.

New Recruits:

Rory, Cheryl, Joan, Toby (survivor), Mary, Colleen, Michelle, Jess
Fearful Penguin, Fearful Penguin
Stella, I Can’t Complain Any More Than Usual
Aimee, Smiling Mama
TC, I Have Things
Niksmom, Maternal Instincts
Stimey, Stimeyland
Magpie, Magpie Musing
Amy, TeachMama
Anne, Katamat at Home
Bon, Crib Chronicles
Leticia, Tech Savvy Mama
J.J., Java Mom
Nonlinear Girl, Nonlinear Girl
Linsey, Me too you
Robin from Israel, Around the Island
Joanne, Punditmom
Elizabeth, In Search Of…
Jessica, It’s My Life
Elaine, Connor and Helen Grow Up

And HURRAH to these readers who joined ages ago and have told us how cool it is!
Sunday Stilwell, Xtreme Parenthood
AshPags, AshPags Knits
Jo Jo, Melon Wars (survivor)

Thank you also to those writing posts encouraging their readers to join the Army of Women, such as the ones that Jane Jones wrote, JJ’s post at Caffeine and a Prayer, and Sue’s post at DC Metro Moms! Together, we can advance research to make steps in the fight to end cancer.

6 Responses to ArmyofWomen

  1. Elaine says:

    I’m in! Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I’m tired of seeing people next to me get this disease and live with all the uncertainty that comes with it!

  2. […] silence on this site recently. I was diagnosed with a recurrence of inflammatory breast cancer just after LPSC in March, and I’ve had to take some time off to deal with the resulting tests, surgery, more […]

  3. My sister Wendy and I just joined the Army of Women in April. She’s a breast cancer survivor, too, I’m a sister and friend who wants to save lives through research and kick cancer’s butt.

  4. Ellen says:

    I joined, because how could I not now that I know about it?

  5. Franchise says:

    My post a bit different but let me say that just try to compare the kids of a army woman with others.You will find more confidence and discipline in those kids who have their mums in army.

  6. Terri Tauber says:

    I just joined because Tracy Beckerman posted about your blog. I agree with Ellen above “how could I not now that I know about it?”.

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