BlogHer Voices of the Year!

Good morning! I have TWO incredible announcements to make today — things I’m very proud of, and which make me extremely happy!

First — This morning, I was able to get up, make breakfast for my kids, throw in a load of laundry, and take the kids to their morning event ALL BY MYSELF.  That’s right!  I drove for the first time in 3+ weeks, and I was there for my kids as they met new friends, got settled in a new place, and played with other children all morning instead of driving each other nuts (as even very close siblings are wont to do in the later days of an unplanned summer).  I even picked them up, arms open wide for their happy going home hugs, admired their beauuuuuuuuutiful crafts, and drove them home, responding to their happy backseat chatterings all the way.

Even the PB&J was sweeter for the fact that I made it myself.

And then — Little Bear and I napped, and we woke up to the announcement that I was one of the
BlogHer Voices of the Year.  I’m blown away by this, even more so when I see the incredible quality of the finalists in the Opinion/Editorial category where I was nominated.  Thank you, TeachMama, for nominating me way back in April, and thank you to the judges who pored over the 1,000 entries submitted this year to select the three speakers in each of the five categories.  The Op/Ed curators were Mom-101 Liz Gumbinner and Redneck Mommy Tanis Miller; the panel of judges included Katie Orenstein, Founder of The Op-Ed Project; Stacy Morrison, the editor-in-chief of Redbook Magazine; Ree Drummond, The Pioneer Woman; Heather and Jessica from Go Fug Yourself;  Annalee Newitz,  founder of IO9; Riccardo Spina, creative and brand director for BlogHer, Walmart, Sun, and Disney; and Lizz Winstead, co-creator of The Daily Show — our generation’s answer to surviving the daily onslaught of depressing news while keeping our collective sense of humor.

The other finalists are amazing and beautiful and I won’t steal their thunder except to say LIZ HENRY! SCARY MOMMY! STEPHANIE ROBERTS! LIZ RIZZO! MARINKA! KGIRL! LISSA RANKIN!  I am honored and amazed to be in such good company, and I am so looking forward to speaking at the BlogHer community keynote! 


After a day of sessions, including Stimey‘s and the session where I’m presenting with TechSavvyMama, TeachMama, and Jessica-A Parent in Silver Spring, this will be the perfect end to a terrific day.

34 Responses to BlogHer Voices of the Year!

  1. So happy for you, across all dimensions!

  2. Bon says:

    you deserve it! congrats on being a Voice of the Year, Susan. i wish i were there to hear you. 🙂

    and yay for your morning.

  3. Stimey says:

    I’m so proud of you! Hooray! I can’t wait to be there to cheer you on!

    And fantastic about your morning. Here’s to more and more of them!

  4. jodifur says:

    Congratulations. On all things. Big and small.

    • whymommy says:

      Sometimes the small things are big, you know? I thought the day couldn’t get any better than doing preschool pickup by myself. The smiles on their faces, and the relief I know they felt at being “just another kid” there today? Awesome.

  5. *m* says:

    Wonderful and well-deserved!

  6. Elaine says:

    Congrats on all counts!

  7. Scary Mommy says:

    I’m so excited for you!! For us!! Let’s hold each other up backstage, okay?

    • whymommy says:

      You bet! Last year the tweets from backstage were deafening — it sounded like they were having quite a party back there!

  8. Melissa says:

    Congratulations! Looking forward to having the opportunity to hopefully meet you in person at BlogHer and congratulate you again then.

    • whymommy says:

      Oh, I hope we do meet! If you see a woman with a tattoo-looking sleeve on her arm, please stop me and say hello! I love meeting other bloggers!

  9. Congratulations!! So proud of you!!! (And I am happy to be on the list of people who don’t have to get up and read!)

  10. marty says:

    I’m so stinking proud of you that I have to go dry my eyes and blow my nose. And I’m SO disappointed that I won’t be there now.

  11. Kate @ upsidebackwards says:

    Hooray for having enough energy to do all those things – and even more importantly, enjoy them! I bet the boys just loved their morning, too.
    And congratulations on the BlogHer announcement, that’s wonderful news. Have a fabulous time. I wish I could be there to hear you!

  12. Congratulations on that yummy PB&J and I can’t wait to see you up there during the Community Keynote! What a wonderful day indeed! 🙂

  13. Congratulations on both counts!

    I won’t be there to hear you in person, but I’ll be there in spirit – one of my fine art photographs is being auctioned off as part of the Voices of the Year Art Gala.

    My photography is available for purchase – visit Around the Island Photography and bring home something beautiful today!

    • whymommy says:

      Robin, congratulations! That’s incredible! I love wandering around your site and admiring your photos. They’re awesome!

  14. planetnomad says:

    YAAY!! Congrats on both things! 🙂

  15. You deserved it chicklet. Your post was incredible.

    Enjoy your moment!

  16. kgirl says:

    I already said this to you, but I’ll say it again – I am honoured to be sharing the stage with you and the other unbelievable women on that list, and so very, very happy that this was only one of the good things that is going on for you right now 🙂

  17. magpie says:

    So cool – congratulations!

  18. Kami says:

    You deserve it all big, little and in between. Congrats 🙂

  19. Happy, happy, happy day! And even happier days ahead!

    Wooo-hoooo! For great things big and small!


  20. Nor says:


  21. NYFriend says:

    So very glad for you that you had a “normal” and fun morning!

  22. C.Mom says:

    Yeah!!! So happy for you on all fronts! xo

  23. whymommy says:

    Thanks, everyone, for the happy good wishes! I am still thrilled about the news and will do my best to deliver this just after our ROYO — what a big day that will be!

  24. Minky says:

    AHHHHH! I want to go just so I can see YOU!! You’re going to be amazing. And just incase you don’t know this…I just adore you. You have an aura about you {that has not one thing to do with cancer one little bit} that is just….lovely. You make everyone around you happy. That’s pretty kick ass, I say.