No Princess Fights Alone

The next morning, I turned on the computer and could hear you all cheering me on from the comments.

As I scrolled down, I could hear you, and you weren’t sad any more. You were cheering me on, and my little Lego warrior princess, and loving my sons’ insight and innocence.

No Princess Fights AloneAnd then, I clicked through, and I saw the little warrior princess looking out at me confidently from Amie’s blog. Leticia’s. Amy’s, and Jean’s, and C.Mom’s and Abby’s. Marty’s and Laurie’s and Robin’s and Stephanie’s. Kate’s. Amy’s. Mel’s, and the LFCA community. Jenny, fellow IBC survivor in New Zealand. Sue, Margaret, Sunday. Ella, Kathryn, Anne, Jennifer, Heather, Stacey, Jennifer, Annie. Bon. Heather, Joa, Aimee. Cyndi, Rebekah, and Gayle. Michelle, Nicole, Stephanie, and Ilnap and the list is growing still —

I am blessed. beyond blessed, in every dimension of my life. I have a loving family, a strong and supportive husband, the work of my dreams, and the most amazing friends, who won’t let me wallow alone. They aren’t writing me off. and so neither will I.

As I stared, unbelieving, at the screen on Saturday, my little boys came in and climbed onto my lap for a snuggle. Widget looked up and was surprised to see his little warrior princess looking back. He asked, “Why is the Lego girl on the computer, Mommy?” and I told him what you all were doing. Both boys got happier and happier as we clicked through to post after post, blog after blog, and the warrior princess stood strong on page after page.

As they laughed in delight, I couldn’t help but join in, and we giggled and laughed and we turned off the computer to go read stories together, as it was nearly time for bed.

We all slept well that night, knowing that we do not fight alone, but with an army of princesses – Lego and real-life – and their actions go beyond the badge.

For each badge posted, Amie/MammaLoves will donate $1 to Crickett’s Answer to help women in need afford lymphedema sleeves and gloves to keep their arms and hands from swelling after a mastectomy (or two). Leticia/Techsavvymama will donate $1/comment on her post. Joanne/Pumditmom will donate $1/comment on her post. Go, comment, and spread the word – there is help available for breast cancer survivors needing lymphedema sleeves… and let me know if you’ve done something to help pass along that information (just use the words “lymphedema sleeves” and include a link to Crickett’s Answer). There are boxes of class 1 sleeves already at Crickett’s Answer that need to find their way to survivors in need. Class 2 sleeves will be bought as needed.

And if you just want to feel good about humanity? Go over to Amie’s post and see the growing army of princesses.

Together we fight, as the drugs I take each morning fight and starve and cut off the cancer cells so that they can’t grow any more.

33 Responses to No Princess Fights Alone

  1. D'Lyn says:

    I’m a slow girl, but I mean well!!! Got the Badge! SO glad to be one of the Warrior Princesses fighting for YOU!

  2. Sunday says:

    It feels great to be a member of the princess army! We love you Susan!

  3. Kendra says:

    Getting my badge on now!

  4. C.Mom says:

    I am pretty sure that we are the ones that are blessed to know you, to learn from you, and to be inspired by you. xoxo

  5. Elaine says:

    I’m with C.Mom. We’re all the lucky ones. Your princess is doing battle on my page, too. She rocks.

  6. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Susan Niebur, RAJ ROY CHOWDHURY. RAJ ROY CHOWDHURY said: No Princess Fights Alone: […]

  7. Stimey says:

    I am beyond proud to be part of your army. I’m so glad that it brought you and your adorable munchkins joy.

  8. Suzie P. says:

    Mine’s up too! Your Princess Warriors are quite powerful lady!

  9. Bon says:

    what Stimey said. and love.

  10. Tracey says:

    Hi Susan. I posted this on our FB page. So far, A Girl Named Nick added the badge to her blog. You can see it here: I’m going to tweet about this too.

  11. Hooray! We made you smile!
    I feel blessed, to be part of such a caring community that is determined to make a difference and fight suffering. Thank you for being the catalyst.
    Lots of love and hugs to you and the boys!

  12. Megan says:

    Susan, I’ve been reading your blog for awhile and well…I think that you rock. I’ve got your button on my blog now. I could never resist joining a princess army. 🙂

  13. Colleen says:

    I’m an official member of the princess army now. Much love.

  14. Rev Dr Mom says:

    I’ve been reading here for a while, but I don’t think I’ve ever commented. But I just up your badge, and I want you to know that you and your family are in my prayers.

  15. elesha says:

    Your Awesome!!

  16. Nor says:

    Badge is up! Princess…

  17. Sara says:

    The badge is up….in full force!!

    You are SO amazing!!!

  18. Badge will be up and on my blog, too, Susan– I’ve been cheering you on as you’ve fought all this time… My three girls and I are so proud to be part of your Army of Friends!!

    Love to you, as always, CGF and Girlies 3

  19. Kathy U says:

    Wow, very powerful!

  20. As a matter of policy, I tend to omit all badges from my blog, but I had to have this one. Such a symbol of both strength and playfulness. Your life force is so contagious I can’t help but be drawn in. And my kids are too old to play with Legos anymore so this gives me an excuse. I think she needs a castle.

  21. I don’t blog, Susan, so your warrior princess is now my Facebook profile pic. And my 5-yr-old son wants to adopt you as his aunt because, in his words, “she must be really fun to fight with!” 😎

  22. JoAnn in NJ says:

    I’ve been reading your blog for years and am honored to support you. I truly hope your inner Warrior conquers this evil and you have a wonderful, long and happy life. I’ve put your badge on my blog, but will also post the link to my facebook, so more people will know your story and can support your cause.

    I wish I could know you personally, I’m sure you are a fabulous friend!


  23. JoAnn in NJ says:

    not sure if my first comment posted or not….so I’ll paraphrase. I’ve joined your army, linked your badge to my blog and will now link the post to my facebook where more friends will see and join your cause.

    I’m proud to help in this small way.


  24. Jenni says:

    I’m in too.

  25. Lindsay says:

    Just joined your army, Susan! Stay strong- I’m sending lots and lots of positive thoughts your way. 🙂

  26. magpie says:

    I’m in your army, with bells on.

  27. NYFriend says:

    Very cool badge indeed! You and your family are truly amazing. My very definition of amazingness is the depths of ALL your emotions and thoughts, not just the ones that are comfortable for others to see. (I know amazingness is not a real word, but it expresses the idea!)

    I can just picture you guys at the computer giggling, I can hear your laughter in my ears…

    Big hugs, as always. 🙂

  28. […]  Her cancer has come back.  She writes about it far more movingly than I could, so go here to her site and […]