Susan is ok

If you’ve heard that I’ve been ill, in pain, or in the hospital; stopped oxycontin and suffered from withdrawal, had pneumonia, low bp, had trouble breathing, went on oxygen, can’t catch a breath, keep coughing, get dizzy when I stand up, and am completely losing my hair, it’s all true. I’m in the hospital but I’m finally able to sit up for a bit and I’m feeling better. I hope to go home today.

We are ok. We are together. We love each other and we love you. We are blessed.

Typing is difficult, because I’ve got the O2 clip taped bulkily round my middle finger, but I’ll catch you all up as I can!

113 Responses to Susan is ok

  1. Niksmom says:

    Sending you all my prayers, love, and good thoughts. Today and every day.

  2. Glad to hear you are okay. Worried about you. Be strong and know that you have armies of people keeping you in their prayers.

  3. Stacy says:

    praying and thinking of you and your family.

  4. Karen says:

    Thinking of you and wishing you strength and love and, tonight, your own bed.

  5. So glad to read this. I am praying for you, my dear. xoxo

  6. Susan,
    It’s great to hear from you! Hospitals are no place for rest when sick, so I hope they rehydrate you and send you packing soon to go home! Both of my kids have the flu, and I have a sore throat, so won’t be able to come across the moat to see you until I am 100% free of my bad germ juju. But I will visit you through the magic of the internet as much as possible in the meantime. Love you!!!! xxoo

  7. Susan,
    I awakened this morning and, no lie, I thought “Why in God’s name have I not heard from Susan Niebur? No posts. No FB updates. Nothing.” So, to just receive your “Susan is Ok” post is a relief and not a relief. Oxy is a bitch to withdraw from. Stu went through it. It was hell. Are you up to visitors? People who will come in, bring chocolate, and do “schtick” to make you laugh? If so, I’m in. If not, I will write to you and you are forbidden to respond unless that damn thing is our of your hand and you feel like it. I am thinking of you, Susan, even when I don’t even realize it.
    Love, Susan

  8. Karen says:

    Love you Susan – you amazing, wonderful and inspiring woman. So glad to hear you heading back home where the love and support of your beautiful family will help your recovery. Love to you and all three of your boys. Karen (UK)

  9. Jill says:

    Keep going. We’re with you.

  10. Linda Lawrence says:

    it was so good to hear from you! You’ve been in our prayers and thoughts! Love you loads!

  11. Tammie says:

    Sending love and strength to you and your family.

  12. You are loved. You are prayed for. You are fighting and you will be home soon. You will get through this and be back and better than before on your new meds once this illness is passes.

  13. Stimey says:

    I have been thinking of you nonstop. Please, please let me know if I can do anything. I love you so much.

  14. Rachel says:

    I never usually comment, but have been worried and so glad to see an update this morning…wishing you continued strength.

  15. Artemisia says:

    Thinking of you and your beautiful family.

  16. Sending much love to you my friend.

  17. Magpie says:

    Love to you, Susan. And gentle hugs.

  18. Oh now cut that out, Ms. Susan. *HUGS* You’re amazing.

  19. Barbatthebeach says:

    Always thinking of you, sending wishes of good health and love.

  20. mj in colorado says:

    I was washing my hair yesterday and suddenly wondered why I hadn’t seen a post as of late. Thinking of you. Wishing you comfort and strength. Love to you and yours.

  21. Mir says:

    You’re in my prayers, Susan. Constantly.

  22. Thank you for thinking of us all in the midst of this all. Enjoy your own bed tonight! 🙂

  23. Sarah says:

    All my love and hoping you get home soon.

  24. Amanda says:

    I’ve been sending so much love and light. I’ll continue to be thinking of you and yours.


  25. jodifur says:

    All my love and thoughts and hope that you get home soon.

  26. Sarah says:

    Oh Susan we love you and sending strong healing thoughts!

  27. Brandie says:

    Susan,mthinking of,you and hoping you are back home soon. Sending much love to you right now.

  28. Prayers from here in London from Nice Jewish Girl. I’ve been thinking of you a lot lately and the prayers are real.

    Bless you Susan, and all that you give to the rest of us.

  29. Colleen says:

    Lots of prayers for you!!! Been thinking of you so much lately. Get home to your babies soon!

  30. Kendra says:

    Lots of prayers and good thoughts for you!

  31. kimmer says:

    I’m so glad to hear you are heading home. I have been thinking and praying for you.

  32. sharon says:

    susan, continue to be strong, much love and prayers to you and your family,

  33. Jess Lippy says:

    Glad to hear you are ok – praying you are even better than ok soon!

  34. Amy S. says:

    Thinking of you, Susan. Sending you strength and wishing you many pain-free days ahead!

  35. Leslie says:

    Prayers for you! I realized yesterday I hadn’t seen any posts in the last few days…so glad you are feeling better. Bless you.

  36. Thinking about you and wishing you strength.

  37. extremeparenthood says:

    Sending many prayers for you, my friend. We all missed you and your family so much on Sunday at the Gaylord.

    I pray that God gives you strength and peace during the days ahead as you transition back home.

  38. Bon says:

    loving you. wishing you home. wishing you strength.

  39. alejna says:

    Thank you for the update. I’ll be thinking of you and wishing you continued courage and strength.

  40. Praying for strength for you.

  41. victoria says:

    I’ve been checking your blog and wondering. Glad to hear you’re (relatively speaking) OK.

  42. Jan says:

    Hang in there, Susan. We are all praying mightily for you!

  43. Sue Farrell says:

    May God bless you and your family with wonderful holidays, better health and warm family memories.

  44. We send our love and pray that you are able to come home today for gentle hugs from your boys and to rest in your own bed.

  45. Sending you my thoughts and good wishes.

  46. *m* says:

    Thank you for letting us know, Susan. So many of us out here are holding you and your family in our hearts. I hope you get home soon and feel better there. Love and strength to you and your guys.

  47. Lisa says:

    Hugs and Kisses from all of us.

  48. Eve in Silver Spring says:

    Glad to hear you’re okay. You’re in my thoughts and prayers. Thinking about you and your family.

  49. Janine says:

    You ever wish so hard that you could switch places with someone just to give them a little relief? Everyone has their battles but it does seem like some battles are longer, harder, and more frustrating than others. I wish we could each take a day to live your pain so you wouldn’t have to. I’m 100% positive each and every person praying for you would gladly do it. Spread it out among many so it’s not so concentrated. You deserve a break and I hope the doctors can help you get that much needed break. A break, a break-through. That’s what I’ll be praying for.

  50. Siobhan says:

    May the Spirit be with you, Susan.
    Keeping you in my prayers.

  51. I’ve been holding you in my prayers, Susan!

  52. Add me to the list of one more Silver Spring mama who Knows You Are OK! Lots of love and good energy! xxx

  53. Wordgirl says:

    You’ve been so much on my mind — I’m so glad you’re feeling a bit better –Just wanted you to know that there is a family in the upper midwest thinking of you.



  54. Heather says:

    Praying for you. I’m glad that you’re feeling well enough to blog that update! 🙂

  55. Spacemom says:

    Okay is good. Thanks for the word. I think about you often.

  56. Robyn says:

    I think about you and pray for you everyday.

  57. Ruthis from CAlifornia says:

    So glad that you are feeling better. 🙂

  58. Janine Davis says:

    Gentle hugs, much love and continued prayers for you from your Mississippi friends.

  59. […] Thinking of Someone with MBC in the Hospital Now By Elaine Schattner, M.D., on December 6th, 2011 var addthis_product = 'wpp-262'; var addthis_config = {"data_track_clickback":true,"data_track_addressbar":false};if (typeof(addthis_share) == "undefined"){ addthis_share = [];}My fingers stopped this morning for a while when I came upon a ref­erence to @whymommy. Last thing I read about her con­dition, she was at home having a tough but cozy Thanks­giving at home. Now she’s in the hos­pital and in her words, OK. […]

  60. Love to you and your family!!!!

  61. I haven’t commented here before. But I have been reading and I wanted you to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. I just posted about the cancer fighters in my life and what I am doing this year to donate to cancer research:

  62. JenC says:

    I hope you get to go home today. I’ve been thinking about you often and am glad to hear your feeling better.

  63. Sending you love, strength and healing vibes.

  64. anandaleeke says:

    Hi Susan. My heart is sending you and your family lots of love and light. Blessings, Ananda

  65. loran says:

    xo gentle hugs.

  66. Twice Five Miles says:

    Sending love, from a stranger. ❤

  67. Keeping you in my prayers, today as always, for health and healing and comfort and peace.

  68. Gena says:

    Praying for you!

  69. Ellie says:

    Sending strength, hugs and good thoughts to you and your family.

  70. Lynn says:

    Let everyone wait on you so you can concentrate on snuggling & loving your family and getting stronger. Positive thoughts and fervent prayers headed up from Texas.

  71. Kim Orlando says:

    Thank you for the attitude adjustment! Congrats on sitting up and feeling better. I hope you get to go home soon too. I love the work you do and can’t wait to share your women in planetary science stories with my daughter.

  72. love you Susan! can’t wait for you to get back home. xoxoxo

  73. Thinking of you and sending love & positive energy.

  74. Wow, that’s a lot… hang in there, sending you positive vibes and prayers and love.

  75. Sending you much strength and peace, always, but especially this time of year. I hope you are able to be well enough to truly enough this holiday season with your boys and family.

  76. Lisa says:

    Thanks for the update. . . know that you are held in our prayers. You touch so many lives – know that you are loved.

  77. Been thinking about you. Hope you get home soon.

  78. Gill says:

    So glad you are feeling a bit better Susan. You’re always in my thoughts and prayers xx

  79. Amelie says:

    Thinking of you and your family, Susan, and sending you lots of love.

  80. Carol says:

    Prayers and thinking of you and your family Susan. sending you love.

  81. Allison says:

    Glad you’re doing better, and hope you do go home today. Praying for you and yours.

  82. Abbysmom says:

    Sending love, hugs and strength to you and your beautiful family.

  83. You are constantly in my heart and on my mind. Lots of love to you, your family, and your wonderful friends.

  84. Stephanie says:

    Glad you are OK. Wishing that they send you home soon, and some symptoms can dial back and give you some relief. Warm thoughts and love to you and your family.

  85. clifford says:

    Hang in there Sus. Got some goodies to send you too. Love ya.

  86. ilinap says:

    Love and prayers and healing thoughts and laughter coming your way, Susan.

  87. Wishing you all the best in health.

  88. Linda says:

    love love love to you. healing prayers sent your way…

  89. Thank you for updating us! Prayers and hugs your way!

  90. Jojo says:

    If the O2 monitor continues to bother you, ask if they can move it to your toe. They allowed me to do that once when I was in the hospital.

    Here’s hoping you are safe at home by time you read this and don’t need the O2 monitor any more! Sending you peace.

  91. 20901 Mom says:

    I never comment, but I read your last post and it had me worried – espeically when you went so quiet for a few days. We’ve never met but I think of you often and wish so fervently that soon you will be strong and healthy and active and able to do everything you love with those glorius little boys. Praying for you.

  92. Fran says:

    Susan Dear…. May the Lord bless you and keep you protected in His strong and loving arms. I’m praying for you with all of my heart and all of my being. Glad you’ll be back home with your loving family today.

  93. Aunt Pat says:

    Glad to hear you’re doing better. You’re in our thoughts and prayers

    Take Care

  94. Diane Krapf says:

    Susan, so glad you posted today. Thinking of you everyday and night with prayers.

  95. We will say some special prayers for you tonight, Susan. God bless!

  96. Tina says:

    Susan thanks so much for the update – was really worried about you. Thinking of you often and wishing you better days.


  97. Kami says:

    Praying for the pain to stop. Girl is beyond over due for a break. We love you too!

  98. Susan says:

    Thinking of you–all of you–and wishing you much love and less pain.

  99. Lori says:

    breathe in peace, breathe out love . . . I’ve followed your blog for a year, after finding it when doing research to find info on my daughter-in-law’s IBC diagnosis in October 2010. (She’s another scientist-mother with two toddlers battling this disease.) Blessing to you and your family . . . you are so strong.

  100. Tammy & James Dean says:

    God bless you and your family. Keep the love and peace going!
    We’re proud of you.
    Love, Tami & James Dean

  101. Alice C says:

    Sending you love from England, Susan. You are in my thoughts always.

  102. Sarah Piazza says:

    I love you, Susan, and you are in my thoughts nonstop.

  103. Keeping everything crossed that you can make it home today. Much love to you!

  104. pgoodness says:

    Sending healthy vibes and healing thoughts. xo

  105. J.J. Newby says:

    Continued prayers for comfort and strength! Look at you, not even an O2 clip can keep you off the web. I’m sure you will be outta that place soon and back home! Big (gentle) hugs!

  106. Chrissi says:

    Sending so much love and prayers..

  107. julie says:

    Thinking very much about you. I wish I lived closer and could visit and help…

  108. mommystory says:

    Thinking of you, Susan. Glad you’re doing OK. Lots of love to you and your family.

  109. Fadra says:

    Sending love and light to you and your family, Susan!!

  110. […] of the most difficult things about being homebound with a serious illness (or two) is remembering that (most likely) things will get better.  That you will have enough energy to go […]

  111. Tammy & James Dean says:

    See how strong you are, you’ve been through a lot and you still havn’t lost your sense of humor. That’s admirable! James and I have you in our special prayers. As always, one day at a time girl.