Out with the old…

The last few days have been a bustling time around our house.  We’ve picked up the packages, sorted the stuff, taken down the tree, and enjoyed each other thoroughly.  Widget has been a big help this year.  At 3 and a bit, he is big enough to help put away the Christmas things, sort and start laundry with me, and (most excitingly) play the matching game of ornaments to original ornament boxes.  We spent yesterday morning doing just that — we’d pick up an ornament box and play “find the ornament” on the tree, and then put it away.  Or I’d set a few ornaments and their boxes down in front of him and he’d choose which ones were a match.  He had a great time, and I got the Christmas decorations put away!

And it’s not even Epiphany yet.  (Don’t worry, Aunt Linda.  We’re leaving the creche up and continuing to tell the story until the camels arrive Jan 6, just like we always do.  Although this year the sheep have had to share the stable with two little red fire trucks.  What can I say?  At least he loves the story and the creche.  He’s over there playing something or other with the animals and trucks nearly every day.)

The weekend was a toughie, just because I was recovering from Thursday’s chemo and the boys (ALL of them) were fighting a virus of some kind. I don’t know what they had, but it gave the baby a 102.5 fever and sent Gramma home!  Whew.  The little boys are (finally) much better today, although Daddy is still fighting it.

I’ve been wanting to tell you more of the story about the end of chemo, but I simply haven’t been able to reflect on it enough at this point, and I’m not really interested in thinking about it too much if I don’t have to.  The essential points are this.  

1. I’m done with chemo.

2. I am having surgery January 22 or as soon as the surgeon can fit me in and get time in the operating room for the surgery.

3. I am determined to get back to fightin’ condition asap, and build up whatever strength I can before the surgery knocks me down a bit again.  I guess that puts me in good company with the other 6 million Americans who vowed today to lose weight and exercise.  Nice.

4. But the most exciting part?  I DO have confirmation from my medical oncologist (new on Thursday) that I am DONE with chemotherapy and will NOT need any more after the surgery.  Just radiation, and then I’m done unless this thing gets me again.  This makes me so happy.  So happy I could shout!  (And I would, if it wouldn’t wake the babies.)

Instead, I’ll just share this virtual cake with you today.  Go on, have a piece.  It’s completely calorie-free and guaranteed not to interfere with ANY of your New Year’s Resolutions!

no more chemo

42 Responses to Out with the old…

  1. FENICLE says:

    Woo hoo! Happy New Year!

  2. Joan says:

    It gaVe me goosebumps to see your no more chemos cake. I do not know you other than through your blog, but do know how significant this is for you.

    CONGRATS and best wishes for a Happy New YEAR!

  3. Heather! says:

    What a beautiful sight that cake is!

  4. N. Taber says:

    Wonderful news and confirmation!

    Folks at the Wellness Community gave me your note recently – glad you’re enjoying the caps. I linked you into my page, now that I’ve spotted the right entries.

  5. Christy says:

    (Doing a happy dance in your honor!!!)


  6. Stimey says:

    I read your story about putting the ornaments away with Widget and am again reminded of what a phenomenal, patient mother you are.

    Congratulations on being done with your chemo. I can’t even imagine how good that must feel to you!

  7. Angela says:

    Hooray!!!! And I agree…you are very patient. Playing memory with ornament boxes and ornaments is something I would struggle to enjoy, I’m afraid. How lucky your little one is….

  8. Jacquie says:

    Awesome WM! Happy New Year to you and yours.

  9. Anne says:

    Woo Hoo! I think that’s the best cake I’ve ever seen! 🙂 Congratulations!

  10. canape says:

    Best New Year news ever.

  11. BetteJo says:

    I’ll take a heapin’ helpin’ – my gosh what great news! It is indeed a happy new year!

  12. Bon says:

    that’s the best New Year’s cake ever, and great news about the chemo being done for sure.

    may 2008 bring you a year of recovery and healing and joy.

  13. Imstell says:

    Awesome news! I know well how great it feels to see the end to such a strife-filled year and welcome in another. May 2008 be filled with good health and speedy recoveries.

  14. ohgrammy says:

    Tastes good!!!

  15. THAT is the most delicious cake I’ve ever seen! Congratulations and I hope the New Year brings you health and much hapiness.

    I think your Widget and my Sunshine are the same age (born Aug 04), and I had a lot of great help from her putting away the decorations too. Hopefully its a sign of things to come!

    Happy New Year!

  16. Susan K says:

    I’ve been waiting to see that cake!! Wonderful news on all fronts.

    Here’s to 2008! It may start with some challenges, but I predict it will end quite boringly, with the camels for 2009 showing up to two fire trucks AND whatever Little Bear insists was a gift for the baby.

  17. Bestest cake I’ve EVER eaten… Thank you for sharing!!

    We are soooooooo proud of you…

    xo CGF

  18. I’m so glad you are through with the chemo. Please let me know if we can do anything to help out after the surgery.

  19. mamma knows says:

    Your starting 2008 off right…so, so, happy for you and your family 🙂

  20. spacemom says:

    A new Year, a healthy new you!

    May 2008 be a great year!

  21. Joc says:

    Woo hoo, congratulations and Happy New Year!!

  22. Robbin says:

    Fantastic news! What a great way to start a New Year!

  23. deb says:

    A great way to start of the new year. Congratulations!

  24. Marie T says:

    WOW! This is so awesome!

  25. NoRegrets says:

    A very wonderful happy new year to you!

  26. NYfriend says:

    Yea! I’m so glad you have good news about the rest of your treatment plans :).

    And wow, I don’t know which to be more impressed by – that Widget had the focus to play the ornament matching game for all the ornaments, that you *had* orginal boxes for all the ornaments or your creativity about how to entertain, educate and be productive simultaneously.

    Most delicious virtual cake I’ve ever had. 😉

  27. mcgearstella says:

    That is absolutely wonderful!!! I am so happy to hear that you are done! I am praying for extra strength for you and a quick recovery! That is the most beautiful cake I’ve ever seen!

    So glad to hear that there are other people leaving up some Christmas until Epiphany. Everyone around us has taken everything down…it’s a little sad!

    Happy New Year! May it continue to be wonderful!!

  28. hotfessional says:

    What a terrific way to start 2008 – I’m so happy for you and your ‘boys’ – all of them.

    Happy, Happy New Year my dear. You remain, always, in my heart.

  29. Joanna says:

    You. ROCK. Sister :). Super glad, on so many levels, that you are in the clear once this surgery and subsequent radation are complete. Continued positive vibes for continued good health and recovery :).

  30. Imstell says:

    I’m tagging you for a meme over at my place.

  31. planetnomad says:

    Oh that is the HAPPIEST new year’s news I’ve heard yet! Congrats! That’s so good to hear. And Happy 2008!

  32. Brad Beaman says:

    May the Lord give you a peace and blessing through the surgery on Jan 22.

  33. Ally says:

    That is the best cake I’ve ever tasted. I’m so, so excited for you, and can’t wait to hear about your progress over the next few months.

    And, re the ornaments: you are much, much more patient that I would be.

    And the creche with the firetrucks in it– adorable!

  34. KDF says:

    YAYYY!!! 😀

  35. b*babbler says:

    So ends the Year of the Cancer….

    Let’s all raise a cheer to the Year of the Recovery!!

  36. Danielle says:

    Best cake ever!!!

  37. Kelly says:

    I know how excited my mom was after her chemo was done. Congrats and well done. May 2008 see you free of all of this.

  38. Tracy says:

    How wonderful!
    You are an inspiration for the new year.

  39. ohthejoys says:

    I am stuffing my face with this happy news, friend! Yee haw!!

  40. nichole3 says:

    I had my right breast removed last Friday. I will be doing the chemo thing–while you will be finished. MY prayers are with you as you face surgery. I enjoy keeping up with you. One of my grown daughter found your blog for me. I admire your courage.

  41. magneto bold too says:

    Babe, I promised myself that this year I would only comment positive stuff, even try to be a little silly/funny. But not today.


    happy tears.

    Wow, what a ride hey?

  42. What a great Christmas present to read about how well you are doing. I’m so happy for you.