
Jenster, Code Yellow Mom, The Ravin’ Picture Maven Julie, and Planet Nomad have awarded me the coolest new awards floating around the Blogosphere … the Reflection award (the first three) and the Schmoozer.  I’m blown away, ladies, thank you!

The Reflection award comes with a great badge and text that says, “This award should make you reflect on five bloggers who have been an encouragement, a source of love, impacted you in some way, and have been a Godly example to you. Five Bloggers who when you reflect on them you get a sense of pride and joy… of knowing them and being blessed by them.”  While I would love to also give this BACK to the three ladies who gave it to me (because I feel the same way about them), today I’m passing this award on to Mamma of Mamma Loves, Mary from Owlhaven, Ella from Most | Least, Imstell at I Can’t Complain Any More Than Ususal, and Ana at The Ramblings of a Woman because they make my heart swell with pride at knowing these fine bloggers and, through them, their families.  You are each beautiful, and I am blessed to know you. 


The Schmoozer is “an award for those who have the natural ability to effortlessly weave their way in and out of the blogosphere, leaving friendly trails and smiles, happily making new friends along the way. They don’t limit their visits to only the rich and successful, but spend some time to say hello to new blogs as well. They are the ones who engage others in meaningful conversations, refusing to let it end at a mere hello – all the while fostering a sense of closeness and friendship.”  This describes to me beautifully describes so many of my community here.  I’m passing it along to Amanda, Oh AmandaGift of Green, and BetteJo.   Always ready with a comment or a smile, these fine women are women I’m proud to consider my new friends — and all because of their willingness to visit, to comment, and to make new friends in this blogosphere of ours.


I also got another Rocking Girl Blogger award (But I can’t remember from who! Bad WhyMommy!) and I am thrilled to pass it along today to all the women who have hightailed it to their doctor and gotten themselves and their breasts “checked out” and let me know about it in the past couple weeks.  These ladies are strong, powerful women who noticed that something was wrong (or their mammograms were overdue!) and went to talk to their doctor about it.  I’m hoping and praying that they all turn out fine, but in the meantime I’m giving them a Rockin’ badge for their bravery.


Oh, and Great Presentations Mean Business added me to the W list.  But I admit I don’t really understand that one yet.  And my bloglines is aching and groaning from all these great blogs that I’ve stuffed in there and read every time I get the chance.  I’m almost afraid to find more new blogs to love!

Nonetheless, here are a dozen more new (to me) blogs who have picked up my July 23 post about inflammatory breast cancer — thank you, one and all!

Meanderings — August 10: 

Where Mama Writes What She Thinks – August 13:

Crystals’ Blog – August 13:

Southern Lovin’ – August 14:

Journey to Gwen – August 14 (password protected)

Ravelry (password protected)

My Life as a Hotfessional — August 15:

Warrior Princess — August 15:

A Piece of Peace — August 16:

Pilgrim Parent — August 18:

Imposter Mom — August 19:

The Gutsy Mom — August 19:

16 Responses to Reflection

  1. These awards are so well deserved, WM.


  2. ella says:

    Oh WhyMommy I am so honored to be awarded this. Thank you so much.

    You truly deserve all these awards. What amazes me is that with everything you are going through you still find time to be repeatedly generous and thoughtful to everyone else. You set a wonderful example in this ole blogosphere.

  3. Redsy says:

    Hi There,
    I’m writing this up twice at Babble… once as a general informational piece linking back to you and once tomorrow doing a round-up of other bloggers covering this.

    They’ll be up at at Noon (EST) today and 7am (EST) tomorrow, respectively.

    Keep up the great work!

  4. Oh, WhyMommy, I am so, so honored!! I love discovering so many thoughtful, witty, caring, and FUNNY! new friends! And I know how good it feels to have someone stop by – no matter how brief their virtual hello. Glad I found you, no matter the circumstances!

  5. MammaLoves says:

    You have no idea how floored I was too see my name on that list. You, the most thoughtful, brave, fierce woman noticed I even leave comments on your blog?!

    Thank you. Thank you.

  6. ~JJ! says:

    You totally deserve it…

  7. amanda says:

    You never fail togive me chills, I never imagined I’d get them this way. It is an honor to come and leave comments here and throughout our community. We are each so lucky.

    Congratulations and thank you!

  8. NoRegrets says:

    You certainly deserve them all!

  9. juliepippert says:

    Congrats to you, so deserved…and nice list of more people to check out. Thanks. 🙂

    Ravin’ Picture Maven

  10. Emily says:

    Congrats! You certainly deserve all of that and more.

  11. Jojo says:

    Whymommy, thank you so much for thinking of me! Although the doctors still don’t understand the radical changes to my left breast, they have ruled out cancer with a mamogram, ultrasound and breast MRI. Please ladies, talk to your doctor about ANY changes, and please, do not rest until you have had proper testing. jojo

  12. whymommy says:

    Jojo, I am so happy to hear this. Particularly that you persevered to get a full checkout. I hope that you find an answer soon, and that it’s something that’s easily “fixed.”

    Hugs to you and all….

  13. ohamanda says:

    How cool are you? Thanks so much. And you deserved them first and foremost!

  14. […] some awards! Val, Alexis and Morning Song gave me a nice award. Literally, the Nice Matters award! WhyMommy gave me the Bloggy Community Involvement Award (it just means I shmooze well with others). My good […]