Examine WHAT?

Yesterday, after waiting nearly an hour for my oncologist appointment, the intern came in and did a cursory examination.  He interrupted me twice as I tried to bring him up to date, saying that I had had a double mastectomy, and he curtly said, “Yes, I know.”  As he finished, he looked at me and said, “Dr. X will be in in a few minutes to examine your breasts.”

It was all we could do to not break out laughing while he was still in the room. 

I mean, YOU all know that a double mastectomy means that I don’t have any breasts anymore, right?

30 Responses to Examine WHAT?

  1. Robin says:

    At least you could laugh about it…

    I hope you mentioned what a shmuck this guy was to the doctor. It sounds like he needs a remedial lesson in bedside (examining table-side?) manner.

  2. sam says:

    I absolutely LOVE that you have such a great sense of humour still. Some women would have broken down crying right then and there.

    You’re truly an amazing woman! I’m glad that recovery is going well.

  3. Sarah S. says:

    Hee Hee. Good cancer humor. What a funny story!. You are so right. Keep on smiling Susan. Laughter is a gift and a therapy we can all use. We should all do it more.

  4. Jen says:

    And these are our health care professionals! Ha!

  5. MammaLoves says:

    Oh boy!! Guess he’s a surgical intern for a reason.

    Glad you could laugh!!

  6. Crystal D says:

    Tee Hee Hee. What a smarty smart pants. I guess if you would have laughed he might have learned something today.

  7. Angela says:

    LOL Too bad you guys didn’t laugh in his face. Sounds like he could use a shot of humor/humility. I’m glad to see you two still have your sense of humor!

  8. Reminds me of when I went with my daughter for a well baby checkup with her boy/girl twins. After the nurse had just put the diaper back on my grandson, she asked my daughter, “Is the other twin also a girl?”

  9. ~JJ! says:

    Ha! I would have slapped him after I stopped laughing my ass off.

    How was your busy busy day yesterday?

  10. Kat says:

    Too funny! I wonder if he smacked himself on the forehead when he stepped out of the room?

    I’m still praying for you sweet friend. I don’t leave a comment every time I come by, but I come often and I pray for you even more.

    I hope it’s okay…I linked to you in a post I did about this wonderful “Land of Blog”, praying for each other and cancer survivors.


  11. Jacquie says:

    LOL he must have missed that day in school 🙂

  12. Mummycha says:

    I know someone who is going to have a hard time becoming a real doctor…

    Besides that “encounter of the third kind,” I hope you had a good time yesterday

  13. Susan K says:

    But what should the poor guy have said?? The Dr. will be in to examine your ex-breasts? The site where your breasts used to be? Your former breasts?

    Talk about a rock and a hard place.

    I guess, the Dr will be in to examine you.

    Anyway, glad you could see the humour in it!

  14. Susan K says:

    Just read Rona’s post. I can top that! Our Dr. came in on morning two at the hospital and asked if we were ready for the circumcision. I told him I didn’t think our daughter would like that! We all laughed and he went to the NEXT room to do that job.

    Poor Dr’s are run off their feet. It is amazing to me that they get it right.

    At least you didn’t have to WRITE on yourself with a Sharpie ‘Remove THIS breast” and “NOT THIS ONE!!”

  15. I’m praying for you..wish Dr.s were more
    caring .

    take good care

  16. mariemillard says:


    I heart you!

  17. N. Taber says:

    Reminds me of being told they needed to do a pregnancy test right after I’d just explained I’d had a complete hysterectomy! I’m not nearly as polite as you – I laughed immediately!

  18. okayfinedammit says:


  19. Alison says:

    It does!??!?! 😉 So glad you could laugh about it!

  20. MamaGeek says:

    Oh that’s just all sorts of funny. Damn those interns.

  21. That is too funny! But maybe the poor guy did not know what to say!
    I think he should have at least one Mamogram, that ought to teach him to be a little kinder!

  22. GTech MD says:

    Wow. Lots of people (Susan K excluded) posting who have never in their life made a mistake or (questionably) stupid comment.

    Me…..I’ll happily live with the dumb things I’ve said and mistakes I’ve made.

    Oh, and for the record:

    Breast: the outer, front part of the thorax, or the front part of the body from the neck to the abdomen; chest.

  23. whymommy says:


    Thanks for the education — I just thought it was funny. I told a dumb story on myself in the next post….

  24. musingmommy says:

    Oops! Well, glad you could laugh about it.

  25. Waaay too early for that… snort – coffee – laptop screen!

    Thanks, I really needed a laugh this morning 🙂


  26. MamaMaven says:

    Obviously bedside manner wasn’t something he aced. Glad you had your sense of humor intact.

  27. Ally says:

    I’m glad you were laughing instead of trying to find the most painful place in which to land a punch!

  28. Emily says:

    Well, subtraction can be confusing for some people!

  29. Becki says:

    It’s just like mom always said. Boys are so dumb sometimes.